Small Radar Spacecraft

Gazprom AIT Facility



Planned for launch in

5-7 years


ERS small radar spacecraft are designed for near real-time monitoring of the Northern Sea Route water area and geotechnical monitoring of hazardous production facilities.

Mass of a small SC

no more than 650 kg

Overall dimensions in the launch position (LхWхH)

no more than 1300х600х600 mm


side-looking synthetic aperture radar equipped with active phased array antenna

Frequency band

X-band (9300 - 9900 MHz)


5-7 years

Development of MKA-R space system

Gazprom AIT Facility LLC is engaged in designing the MKA-R Earth remote sensing orbital fleet, which will consist of six radar spacecraft and will be intended to provide near real-time radar monitoring of the Northern Sea Route and Northern Sea Transit Corridor water area. This fleet can also be used for geotechnical monitoring of hazardous production facilities for parties concerned.

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