Start of the Technological equipment delivery for the Spacecraft Assembly, Integration and Testing Facility

Start of the Technological equipment delivery for the Spacecraft Assembly, Integration and Testing Facility

Dec 2, 2021 #events
Start of the Technological equipment delivery for the Spacecraft Assembly, Integration and Testing Facility

The sections of the Thermal Vacuum Chamber have arrived at the construction site of the SC AIT Facility under construction in Shchelkovo. Due to the complexity of the design, this equipment is delivered disassembled for subsequent installation directly on site.

The vessel of the Thermal Vacuum Chamber, which consist of five cylindrical sections of 10 m diameter and weight up to 30 tons, was manufactured by the Italian company Angelantoni Test Technologies.

The cargo began its way by sea from the Adriatic coast towards Russia in early October, then the components of the Thermal Vacuum Chamber were transshipped onto the river vessel in Rostov-on-Don. The valuable cargo was delivered to the capital port Besedy along the Don, Volga and Moscow Canal.

The equipment was transshipped by the crane vessel with 45 t lifting capacity onto a special multi-axis motor-vehicle train. This complicated logistics operation on the public roadways continued in compliance with all safety regulations: the cargo movement along the Moscow loop highway and Shchelkovo highway took place with the participation of the highway services and road traffic police. The unique equipment was transported overnight with three traffic lanes blocked.

The Thermal Vacuum Chamber is designed to simulate on ground the space environment, which the spacecraft are exposed to during in-orbit operations: vacuum and temperature extremes from -170° up to +150 °С.

The successful start of the high-tech equipment delivery for the Spacecraft Assembly, Integration and Testing Facility is the next phase of Gazprom’s project, being implemented with support of Roscosmos State Corporation.

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