Cooperation between Gazprom and Roscosmos was presented at the International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2021

Cooperation between Gazprom and Roscosmos was presented at the International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2021

Jul 26, 2021 #exhibitions
Cooperation between Gazprom and Roscosmos was presented at the International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2021

The project of SMOTR Earth remote sensing system, that will be used both in the interests of Gazprom Group and on a national scale, as well as the Spacecraft Assembly, Integration and Testing Facility under construction in Shchelkovo, Moscow area, by Gazprom with support of Roscosmos, were presented at the joint booth of Roscosmos.

This facility will ensure the creation of modern spacecraft at the level of the standards of the world's leading manufacturers for Gazprom Group and a wide range of other customers. The facility will produce communication and Earth remote sensing satellites of large and medium size, as well as small spacecraft for multi-satellite systems, including those of the Sphere Program.

The design bureau of Gazprom AIT Facility LLC is developing the SMOTR-V ERS satellite – the first spacecraft to be produced by the SC AIT Facility.

The spacecraft will be equipped with two types of payload: electro-optical imaging equipment with 0.5 m resolution for monitoring gas infrastructure and satellite gas analyzer for detecting the excess of methane concentrations over the existing natural background. Solving the problem of greenhouse gas emissions control will help Russia improve the environmental situation in the country and meet its obligations assumed under the Paris Climate Agreement.

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